Numerous ski resorts across the state offer complimentary skiing experiences for children. Dive into the list below to discover where kids can hit the slopes for free or at significantly discounted rates. It's all about fostering the next generation of skiing enthusiasts!
Children 5 & under: Free day ticket, but requires RFID Card like everyone else to pass through automatic gates ($5 for the initial card.)
Kids 5 and under ski free; Juniors (6-17) also receive a $20+ deal on lift ticket pricing.
Kids 5 and under ski free with an adult; youths 6-17 also recieve deals on tickets. Cochran's also offer a Family Season Pass (for a family of any size) for just $295.
A toddler pass is FREE when purchased at the same time as an Adult pass in the same category. One free Toddler pass per Adult pass purchase.
Vermont K-12 students can take advantage of our Vermont Student Pass for unlimited access all season long, just $469.
Kids 5 & under ski free. Mad River also offers deals on their Full Kids Pass (6-12), their Teen Full Pass (13-high school graduation), and the Twixer Pass (18-29).
Kids ages 6 and under can ski for $20/day; students ages 7-18 get a $10 off deal weekends and holidays. Middlebury Snowbowl also offers dealson Junior (7-18), Youth (12 and under), and Share Parent/Guardian Season Passes.
Kids 6 & under ski free. Youths ages 7-18 also receive deals on day lift tickets. Pico also offers a Vermont Student Pass for students in grades K-12 for $129.
Saskadena Six offers the $129 Book-it School Pass for VT & NH students, which can be paired with a discounted Parent Pass.
Kids 5 & under ski free. Youth 6-18 get lift ticket deals throughout the season, as well as deals on season passes (youth 6-18 and young adult 19-26).
Children 4 & under are eligible for an IKON pass for $149 or a $49 5 & Under Pass; children 5-12 can get deals on IKON passes, Select Passes, and Summit Passes.
Kids 4 & under can get a unlimited skiing and riding for just $25, no restrictions; young adults (13-22) can get a young adult local pass.