Ski Vermont Gold Card


Welcome to the 2024-2025 Ski Vermont Gold Card Program. All Gold Card usage is managed the by the bearer through Ski Vermont’s Online Pass Portal. No physical cards will be provided. 

Gold Card bearers obtain a lift ticket to a participating ski area on chosen date with a reserved single-use, barcoded voucher. The process the bearer completes—by logging into their portal, selecting a ski area and visit date to generate a single-use barcode—is a voucher reservation.

  • RESERVED VOUCHERS ARE REQUIRED TO REDEEM FOR A LIFT TICKET. Redemption requirements vary per ski area. Review prior to visit on this page or under "More Info" in customer portal. Ski Areas CAN NOT generate lift ticket unless requirements completed. 
  • GOLD CARDS ARE SUBJECT TO LIMITED INVENTORY DATES. 1/18/25, 1/19/25, 1/20/25, 2/15/25, 2/16/25, 2/17/25.  Review information to understand how this affects Gold Card Usage.
  • GOLD CARDS ARE ONLY VALID FOR USE BY THE ASSIGNED BEAER, FOR THEIR PERSONAL USE ONLY. They are not intended to replace or be used as a season pass.
  • THE SKI VERMONT GOLD CARD IS NOT FOR SALE TO THE PUBLIC. They are an industry product given to a pre-determined list of Ski Vermont member ski area employees and partners.
  • SKI AREA EMPLOYEES: Gold Cards cannot be redeemed at the ski area at which you are employed unless otherwise stated by employer. 

Prior to use, bearers are responsible for reviewing the following information, including how to complete a voucher reservation and ski area redemption requirements. Note reservation and redemption varies slightly for One Ticket and Two Ticket Gold Card, as outlined below in the How to Reserve, View and Redeem Vouchers.  

Ski Vermont Gold Card Information and FAQ