Welcome to the 2024-2025 Ski Vermont Gold Card Program. All Gold Card usage is managed the by the bearer through Ski Vermont’s Online Pass Portal. No physical cards will be provided.
Gold Card bearers obtain a lift ticket to a participating ski area on chosen date with a reserved single-use, barcoded voucher. The process the bearer completes—by logging into their portal, selecting a ski area and visit date to generate a single-use barcode—is a voucher reservation.
Prior to use, bearers are responsible for reviewing the following information, including how to complete a voucher reservation and ski area redemption requirements. Note reservation and redemption varies slightly for One Ticket and Two Ticket Gold Card, as outlined below in the How to Reserve, View and Redeem Vouchers.
Gold Card access must be activated each season using the unique redemption code assigned to them.
A bearer (person named on Gold Card) must have an account and use the unique redemption code assigned to them in the Ski Vermont Online Pass Portal to activate their Gold Card prior to use.
Step 1. Log in or create an account in the portal.
New Account: Complete the account creation and household information page. * We suggest NOT using a work-related email address and, in some cases, it will not work if you are listed as a ski area back-end administrator for our programs. *Most of this information pertains to our other programs but fields are required to finalize account creation, choose the answers that fit best or other.
Existing Account: Log In. If you have had a Gold Card in the past or purchased a Ski Vermont product, you can use same account to activate this season's gold card.
Step 2: On Pass Product page, Copy and Paste assigned code in the Redemption/Gift Code Box at the bottom of the screen, then click submit. The Gold Card Passholder information page will populate with intended bearer’s name and affiliation as provided. Bearer must complete the required information to proceed.
Step 3: Review and "Agree" to terms, then "complete application" to activate Gold Card.
Gold Card orders are approved upon submission; you will receive both the order confirmation and welcome email immediately, notifying you that your Gold Card is now active. Log back in or refresh page to view account and use.
How to Reserve Voucher:
Step 1: Log in to your portal account. The active gold card will automatically load on the screen displaying the bearer's name.
Step 2: Choose ski area: Scroll/move down the page to find the desired ski area. Each "More Info" button will contain that ski area's information and redemption requirements.
Step 3: Reserve Voucher: Click "Available for redemption" then "Make reservation" on the desired visit date and "Confirm Reservation."
Two Ticket Gold Card Bearer Reservation Process: Bearers have the option of choosing to reserve either one or two vouchers at the time of reservation. If two vouchers are reserved, two single use barcodes will be generated. One voucher will state the bearer's name, and the second voucher will state Guest Of bearer.
Voucher reservations are final and cannot be changed.
Dates may not be available for the following reasons:
VOUCHER USAGE: Reserved vouchers in the Ski Vermont portal do not guarantee the bearer a lift ticket or lift ticket reservation privileges unless otherwise indicated by the destination ski area in their redemption Information.
REDEEMING VOUCHERS: Follow the destination ski areas redemption requirements outlined under Participating Ski Areas, Restricted Dates and Redemption Information for ski area details on this page or the More Info in customer portal. Note some areas require advance online lift ticket reservations using the barcoded voucher.
Option 1: View a reserved voucher via customer portal. Log in, scroll down to destination ski area which will state voucher reserved and "click to view". The barcoded voucher will display on the screen.
Option 2: View reserved voucher via email. A copy of each reserved voucher is automatically emailed to the account manager.
Redemption requirements vary per ski area.
Limited Inventory: Gold Cards are subject to the listed limited inventory dates at all ski areas for 2024-2025 season. 1/18/25, 1/19/25, 1/20/25, 2/15/25, 2/16/25, 2/17/25
Vouchers: Reserved barcoded vouchers are required to redeem for a lift ticket. See "How to Reserve Vouchers" for details.
Voucher Redemption Location and Requirements: Where and how to redeem a voucher for one-day lift ticket at that ski area.
Participating Ski Areas and Redemption Information
Voucher Redemption Location: Ticket Cube; present voucher to be scanned. Lift ticket includes access to XC and backcountry when open.
Voucher Redemption Requirements: RFID card required for reload or $5 purchase.
Regular Operating Schedule: Tue-Sat 9AM-10PM; Sunday/Monday 9am-4pm
Voucher Redemption Location: Guest Services/Ticket Office; present voucher to be scanned.
Regular Operating Schedule: Weekends only until approx. Dec 15, then daily.
Voucher Redemption Location: Guest Services Ticket Window, Sherburne Base Lodge; present voucher to be scanned. Can be redeemed for XC access.
Regular Operating Schedule: Daily 9AM-4PM
Voucher Redemption Location: Email requesting a reservation with your SkiVT Gold Card including the following information for all guests: Date of Reservation, First and Last Name, Email, Phone Number, Ski VT gold Card Barcode #.
The Member Services team will reserve your arrival reservation in our system.
Regular Operating Schedule: 9:00 AM-3:30PM Fri-Sun Dec 10-Mar 31. Additionally, Mon-Thu Feb 19-23 and March 3-11.
Voucher Redemption Location: Tramside Customer Service; present voucher to be scanned. Can be redeemed for XC Access.
Regular Operating Schedule: 8:30AM-4PM midweek, non-holiday; 8:00AM-4PM weekends, holidays
Voucher Redemption Location: Online Only - NOT VALID AT TICKET WINDOW
Voucher Redemption Requirements: Redeem online at Reload an existing One Pass RFID or add a new one and pickup from any ticket kiosk.
Regular Operating Schedule: Open daily.
Voucher Redemption Location: Ticket Window; present voucher to be scanned.
Voucher Redemption Requirements: Subject to daily ticket cap, may sell out at any time. Customers with Ski Vermont reserved voucher will have redemption honored at the ticket window. Voucher availability may be restricted in Ski Vermont customer portal if max day capacity is reached. For busy weekends or anticipated powder days, reserving a Ski Vermont voucher early within the 7-day allowed window is advised to guarantee a lift ticket.
Regular Operating Schedule: Open daily.
Voucher Redemption Location: Ticket office; present voucher to be scanned.
Voucher Redemption Requirements: Daily ticket sales are limited, first come first serve. A Ski VT voucher does not guarantee a lift ticket if sold out. It is recommended to monitor online announcements for availability updates or call 802-824-5645 x109 with questions.
Regular Operating Schedule: Thur-Fri 9AM-4PM; Sat-Sun 8:30AM-4PM
Voucher Redemption Location: Ticket Office; present voucher to be scanned.
Regular Operating Schedule: Open Wed-Sun, 9AM-4PM
Voucher Redemption Location: Must redeem at ticket window, express pickup not available. Present voucher to be scanned.
Regular Operating Schedule: 9AM-4PM midweek; 8AM-4PM weekends
Voucher Redemption Location: Must redeem at ticket window, express pickup not available. Present voucher to be scanned.
Voucher Redemption Location: Online Only - NOT VALID AT TICKET WINDOW
Voucher Redemption Requirements: Redeem at Reload an existing One Pass RFID or add a new one and pickup from any ticket kiosk.
Regular Operating Schedule: Thur-Mon + 12/30/23,12/31/23, 2/20/24, 2/21/24
Voucher Redemption Location: Ticket window; present voucher to be scanned.
Regular Operating Schedule: 9 AM- 4PM Wed -Sun, except peak 12/23/23-1/1/24, 1/13-15/24, 2/28-2/25/24
Voucher Redemption Location: Ticket Booth, present PRINTED voucher.
Regular Operating Schedule: Friday-Sundays, Holiday Weeks
Voucher Redemption Location: Ticket Booths, present voucher to be scanned. Can be redeemed for XC access.
Voucher Redemption Requirements: Smugglers' cannot guarantee ticket availability for vouchers not reserved in advanced via the Ski Vermont customer portal.
Regular Operating Schedule: 8:30AM-4PM, M-F; 8:00AM-4:00PM, Sat-Sun
Voucher Redemption Location: All ticketing locations.
Voucher Redemption Requirements: Present digital or printed voucher to be scanned.
Regular Operating Schedule: 8:00AM-4PM daily.
Voucher Redemption Location: Ticket Window; present voucher to be scanned.
Regular Operating Schedule: 9AM-4PM, M-F; 8:30AM-4PM, Sat-Sun
Voucher Redemption Location: Online Only- NOT VALID AT TICKET WINDOW.
Voucher Redemption Requirements: Advanced voucher redemption required. Pick up ticket loaded on RFID at Pick Up Box or Ticket Window.
Regular Operating Schedule: 8:00AM-4PM daily
Gold Card are subject to the listed limited inventory dates at all ski areas for 2024-2025 season.
1/18/25, 1/19/25, 1/20/25, 2/15/25, 2/16/25, 2/17/25
Gold Card Terms and Conditions
For help or to ask additional questions about our pass products, contact for assistance.